We had guests this weekend. I like having guests. It kinda...humhum...gives you a new input on life, doesn't it?
They were only here for a couple of days, but we tried to cram in as much as possible to give them "the English experience". They checked out the Bullring in Birmingham, went for Devonshire tea and had English crumpets for breakfast.
Monday night, their last night here, we decided to, as the crown on our masterpiece weekend, go and see "the Queen". Justin, the Englishman in our team thought it was some kinda joke. As he said:
"Why would anyone wanna go and watch a movie about the queen?!" After this remark followed a vivid imitation of a supposed scen from the movie; a conversation between the queen and prince Charles conserning wheter or not it would be appropriate for him to bring Camilla as his date to Dianas funeral.
Anyway, Justin escaped from this torment because (suprisingly enough since Helen Mirren just won an Oscar for it) the movie had only been shown that morning at the Odeon in Bham.
So now we had to decide what movie we should see. We had three options. The Last King of Scotland, The Illusionist or The Blood Diamond.
After a few short presentations of the different movies and assumptions of what we would think of them; made by Brad, I made up my mind. I wanted to see The Illusionist. It seemed exciting, romantic, and precisely in tune with how I felt at the moment. But to my disapointement, everyone else wanted to see The Last King of Scotland. The fact that we knew that it was going to be very violent was overruled by the statement that it was "based on a true story".
So there I found myself, about two hours later, in a big, dark room at the Odeon Cinema, watching the intro to The Last King of Scotland, wondering what they were doing in Uganda, still thinking "maybe no one notices if I sneak out of here and in to 'the Illusionist' instead".
But I didn't sneak out. I didn't.
If you were expecting a movie review here I'll have to disappoint you. I'm not going to write one. I simply couldn't. I mean I could describe what the movie was about I suppose, but I just don't want to because I can't be bothered. So if you want to know the story-line; google it.
No, what I mean, what I can't do is describe what the movie did to me, how it effected me, how it made me feel. When I walked out of that cinema I felt very contemplative. In fact, I was so contemplative that I was completely quiet, which is very unusual for me.
This quietness pushed Justin to, when we got home, ask me "Did it disturbe you? The movie?"
Did it disturbe me? What did he mean; "did it disturbe me"?
Did it disturbe me that precisely the things I had just seen on that screen has happened and are probably happening right now in the world? Did it disturbe me that someone made a movie about it? Did it disturbe me that I'd just got back from an evening out with my friends, where I'd payed £5.40 to watch it? Did it disturbe me that all the frightening events, all the feelings, all the pain, all the helplessness, all the hatred was now, before being forgotten, reduced to one simple question;
"Did. it. disturbe. you."?
If that's what he ment; then yes - it disturbed me.
But of course I didn't find a way to say that on the spot in a reasonable amount of sharp sentences. I just looked confused and said "eeehm..I don't know".
Gosh...what wouldn't I give to be clever?
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