At first I saw it in an ad on Disney Channel. Then videoclips with Ashley Tisdale suddenly topped the "Top Ten of the Month" on Flixster. Not even a month later I went in to HMV in the Bullring and walked right into a poster saying "Finally! The Soundtrack from the beloved movie High School Musical is here!!" and I said to myself "HOW could a no doubt silly B-teenmovie rocket the charts that fast? Why did I just see an mc-dude walk out of the store with a copy of the High School Musical Soundtrack in his hand and a happy grin on his face? And since when are they using the word "beloved" at HMV?"
Considering all this attention you would think that a musical-loving (and curious) person like me would walk right home and watch the flippin musical, but I felt no need to. I was convinced that this was some sort of misunderstanding from my part and it would all soon blow over.
Just a few days later me and Justin went to Nottingham to visit a New Generation group. At the school we also met the youthpastor of the Christian Centre in Notts; Laurence. Now, there's one thing you have to know. Laurence is a cool person. You know, he is one of those

"Eeeh, I'm sorry, what?" I had to say.
"Oh, haven't u seen it?! It's sooooo good!" Laurence said and everyone laughed in agreement.
Apparently, Laurence has been using examples from High School Musical in his sermons to his young people. The guys in the group told me that he always manages to get something in there; a song, a dance, a quote...and they seemed to love it.
I was amazed. But still not that eager to see it. Amazingly.
Well back in Brum I was actually getting sick of it. Sick of hearing about it from all sorts of unexpected people. Sick of seeing the DVD on the top shelf at Tescos with a big sign over it saying "NUMBER 1". And, I admit, a bit sick of still not knowing what on earth could be so amazing about it. I mean it had to be something. Something good to make a 'kids movie' top the charts, even over movies like the Prestige and the Illusionist (even if that was just at Tescos...heh).
So tonight when I surfed on to and High School Musical showed up at the list over "recently added" I fell for the temptation. I watched High School Musical. And...
I loved it! Haha!
Afterwards I googled it and found myself at some random mothers website and read the following:
"I've decided to come clean with my latest guilty pleasure. Thanks to the Disney Channel movie High School Musical, I can't stop singing "getcha-getcha-getcha-getcha head in the game," and I have a crush on an 18 year old boy."
And to be honest; who can blame her?! High School Musical is just so irresistibly adorable that you wish you were back in school! Better yet; I wish I was American going to an American High School! Seriously, songs like "getcha head in the game" and "stick to the status quo"...I'm gonna be singing those for days! Suddenly I felt a connection with Laurence, the mc-dude and all the little girls that are probably raving about this movie, and with a slightly misplaced confidence I declare that High School Musical is the Grease of it's time!
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